Attorney O'Neal Mistry of Mistry Law Firm in Washington DC represents clients in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

Mistry Law - Washington DC Attorney

Welcome to Mistry Law Firm, located in Washington D.C. Mr. O’Neal Mistry specializes in probate law, real estate, and business law, providing dedicated assistance to help clients confidently navigate the complexities of these areas. He works extensively with clients from the United States and Asia, including India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, and is fluent in Gujarati and Hindi. Our firm caters to both individuals and businesses, offering legal guidance and representation tailored to your specific goals and interests. We take pride in delivering personalized and effective legal solutions that address your unique needs and circumstances.

Business Law

The Mistry Law Firm provides advice, document preparation, and litigation services related to business law
in the District of Columbia.


The Mistry Law Firm probate provides advice, legal opinions, and document preparation concerning estate planning in the District of Columbia.

Real Estate

The Mistry Law Firm provides advice, legal opinions, and document preparation concerning real property (i.e. real-estate) law in the District of Columbia.

Estate Planning

The Mistry Law attorney Washinton dc Firm provides advice, legal opinions, and document preparation concerning estate planning in the District of Columbia.

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Mistry Law Washington dc

Please submit a request form for the consultation regarding the above commonly performed services or any other business law related matters. You may also call one of our offices for immediate assistance during business hours.